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Poker and Entrepreneurship

Posted on:January 5, 2024

During my college years, I was an avid online poker player. In fact, I was doing so well that I didn’t plan on using my degree to build a career in software development. As an entrepreneurial spirit, I thought, why not continue making money playing poker and use those earnings to start businesses?

However, my plans took a turn when the government intervened a few months into my official career as a professional poker player in April 2011 – a day known as Black Friday in poker circles. With the future of major US poker sites like PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker uncertain, I considered waiting it out or even leaving the country.

Ultimately, though, I decided to put my degree to use and landed a job in software development at a company that created poker software for Everest Poker. While their software was produced in Cambridge, Massachusetts, they operated exclusively in regulated European markets.

My time playing poker has been an influential part of my life, teaching me valuable lessons about people, myself, and entrepreneurship. Over the next few blog posts, I’m excited to share insights and lessons about entrepreneurship that I gained from my experience as a poker pro. So stay tuned for those! This post is just an introduction to my background and journey. I’ll link the upcoming posts below as I start writing them.
